A stressed version of me took off

Sleepily I rub my eyes. I don’t actually see anything yet; I just stare. I slept for a second night in a row for more that 11 hours. To be more precise; this night I actually slept, the other night I slept, read, played games and sweated the hell out of myself. The look in the mirror the next morning got even worse then before I left. My face is still a greyish kind of pale, baggy eyes and on top of that a bright red nose. I quickly grab another tissue to blow my nose again.
My Burmese breakfast is presented with a smile. Flatbread with peas. Simple but tasty. I’m trying to arrive and will see where this day takes me.

That was yesterday the day was, apart from the first part a lousy day, which was perfect.
That first part was about meeting up with Swiss Claudia and Collin who I’d met on my Yoga&Surf trip to Morocco earlier this year. I got completely lost trying to find the railway station where we’d agreed to meet to take the circular train. Sweat running down my back, soaking my shirt. Every 10 minutes I ask someone about the railway station. Everyone looks a bit wary and then sends me off in a different direction. I stop for a second and send another text to Claudia and Collin telling them they should just not be bothered waiting for me. They send back that I should take it easy as they’ll wait anyway. I jump in a taxi, telling the confused driver to take me to the railway station. First he tries to say it’s around the corner. And believe me, it was not! I arrive an hour late and am awaited with two bright smiles!
I know it’s all about not having any expectations. But if anyone has the secret recipe for that, than please don’t keep it secret anymore. I envision a train entering the station with loads of noise. Already clearly seeing a lot of people hanging from the train as it wouldn’t have any windows and doors would be open. A sweaty packed place that filled itself up with the scents of Asia coming from vendors proudly and loudly selling their good. When getting close to other stations everyone gets restless. People trying to find their way out. Vendors packing their stuff. New vendors trying to find their way in and through, yelling loudly trying to grab attention.
It was not like that at all. We just sat in a rather quite airconditioned train. We had a nice juicy pineapple, peeled and cut right in front of us. It was a moment to have chat about the things that really matter in life. With silent intervals to think the things said over.
The day before the three of us had already visited the Shwedagon Paya at sunset. We didn’t really intent going there, but rather ended up at the Pagoda as we took the street directly leading into it by chance. The pagoda is huge. Crowded. Overwhelming. Blinding because of the gilded tower and statues with beautiful decorations.
It’s carefully maintained. Women in a long line sweeping the terrace around the main stupa. They were all wearing colourfully printed longyi’s. Rhythmically and elegantly sweeping their colourful brooms from left to right. It’s like a dance. 
Sitting down. Breathing deep. Closing your eyes for a second and then giving it another try. It just didn’t make any difference. It so much. It’s all beautiful. It looks like a fairy tail especially when thousands of candles are lit after the sun has set. Still I can’t yet place it.

We wander around in the dark streets and find a place functionally lit (ie. nothing fancy), filled with chatty locals. The tables are filled with small bowls of different dishes. We wash our hands outdoors and find a seat expecting to eat with our hands. But when our table is filled with small bowls, chopsticks and cutlery are  luckily both put on our table as well. The contrast between the plain room we’re in, with really poor acoustics and the food served is immense. And after plenty of yummy food you pay about 5 Euro. For all three of us.

The time it set apart for Yangon is over. A good thing. The city is fast pace. Noisy. Heavily polluted. Maybe not the perfect place to start for the tired and stressed out version of me. Leaving for the airport this morning was not a bad thing at all, but almost a relief. Knowing that I’m heading for more rural areas close to water and surrounded by hills.


  1. Beautifully written and a delight to read. I feel better just reading about your travels....looking forward to hearing more. Have a wonderful time Floor. Lots of love xxx

  2. What a lovely comment! Just gives me an enormous smile and it actually makes me feel a bit proud that my travel notes could make you feel better. I'll keep the writing going (when I have a working wifi connection). Lots of love for you too! XXX


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